To be an informed Christian. To be an effective Christian.
To put Christ in the center of your world. To go forth and proclaim the Gospel.
The purpose of the Cursillo Movement, (Cursillo meaning “Little Course” in Spanish), is to provide little courses in Christianity to our Parish community so that his love and grace can be brought to every aspects of life. It helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations. It promotes the creation of core groups of Christians who leaven their environments with the Gospel.
What Cursillo will mean for you?
Many who have made their Cursillo retreat weekend have likened it to a personal encounter with Christ or being touched by the Holy Spirit. Everyone experiences something different and is touched differently by the retreat weekend.
It Begins with...
A three-day experience of living Christianity with daily Mass, communion and visits to the Blessed Sacrament. It starts on Thursday evening and ends Sunday evening. During the three days, those attending live and work together listening to talks given by priests, deacons and lay persons and participate in small group discussions. The talks include topics which deal with life, the Christian ideal, the Catholic Faith and the Christian approach to the world.
It continues…
With an invitation to form a small Christian support group which is joined to a larger Christ-centered community. The community spirit of the weekend is continued through reunions of small groups of Christians and through Ultreyas or the gathering of the larger community. With a method to work together to bring other men and women to know and love Christ.
Are you ready to move forward in your faith?
For more information, please contact the Parish Office HERE.